Saturday, August 31, 2013

Twenty One Years

Today I'm turning a year older! whoo-hoo! Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh two-en-ih-wan. Thank God! Another year has been added to me. Since it's my twenty first birthday, I'll be sharing you 21 things about myself.

Just woke up and surprised myself
a Happy Birthday Gelatin made by me :)

21 Things About Me
  1. I'm the first born child in the family. I have one annoying but lovable sister and brother.
  2. Two - Number of relationships I had... The first one was when I was in third year high school. We lasted for six months and the second one was when I was in college and we're still together until now.. (praying this will be forever)
  3. I started schooling at three years old. oh! another entry for number three! I graduated on three schools. :))
  4. I am a four-eyed chic. *wink*
  5. I am five feet and a half inch tall.
  6. My shoe size is six
  7. I've been a scholar for seven years.
  8. I was born on the eighth month of the year.
  9. At nine years old, I started to wear eye glassess.
  10. I have 10k pesos on my savings. (Not a bad start for future)
  11. I own 11 pairs of shoes
  12. I can sleep more than 12 hours in a day! For those people who has shifting work schedules they consider sleeping as a privilege so if I had chances I always grab that... 
  13. I always look forward for friday the 13ths because I wanted to know if it's really a bad day.
  14. I was 14 years old when I had my first relationship and the year when I stopped playing barbie doll. :p
  15. The longest time I've been away from my family is 15 days... 
  16. I've been in school for almost 16 years and I just miss the feeling of being a student.
  17. 17 - the age I want to live once more... 
  18. I feel lucky with number 18. I just love this number. I don't know why.
  19. At 19 years old, I graduated from college and got my degree on Nursing. I took and passed the board exam and became a registered nurse. (this has been my best year in life so far.)
  20. At 20, I started to drive a car.
  21. 21 words to descibe me: I am relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. I can understand the world better than most people.

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